Wednesday 25 June 2008

Ramsgate Cinque Port Boundary in 1560

I noticed that spelling has been mentioned in the two previous posts and it occurred to me that I should type out the account of the perambulation of Ramsgate’s boundary in 1560.

We finde that at twentie Rodde from the clyfe no waye, and also we are credybly informed of John Michall, and Mother Ynge, that they did knowe the waye in their tyme, thoroue to the clyfe which is now decayede with the plowes, which waye we require now to be made lawfull again as it was of olde. And further we finde that from the foresaide waye ledynge between Ramsgate and Herston to the Eastward is not left nor kepte lawfull as it ought to be, by the defalte of the Londe Peers thereof whose names followeth; on the north side Iyeth the bride of Richard Colman, to the ende of Jeliinggam Hill-and then the londes of the Heyres of James Sander. The londe of Richard Coppyn and now in the occupienge of John Hickes, and then we finde that there lackethe a markes stone that hath bene sene there, which we desire may be sett again, more there lieth next him the bride of the Heyres of Robert Astone, and is in the occupienge of his wedowe. There lyeth more the bride of Benett Benett and over against him on the south side of the waye lieth the londe of the said Benett Benett. The londe of Roger Coppyn, the bride of Roger Coppyn, the londe of the Heyres of Roger Astone and in the occupienge of Roger Golding, and the bride of Stephen Garrod, and then against the bride of the said Stephen Garrod, we finde that there Iackethe a markes stone which of late hath bene sene. And thus further the waye is nor kepte lawfull—and also the waye called Thos. Taryes waye of the south west side. The bride of Thos. Astone, now in the occupienge of Wyllm. Coppyn, the bride of Robert Harres, and on the north side the bonde of Robert Spraclynge, the bondes of Nicolas Shelby, the londes of John Coppyn, the brides of Robert Garrod, the londe of the Heyres of James Sannder, the bride of Thos. Sampson, the bride of John Series and Thos. Astone now in the occupienge of John Coppyn, and so fare we finde the waye not lawfully kepte and further we finde that the waye was of viii foote and a lawfull waye to carye and recarye which now is not so, but almost plowed up, so that if it be not with spede redressed we fere there will be no waye and that shortley.

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