Tuesday 29 July 2008


There is always a lot of talk of ip addresses and weblogs when things get tough on the blogs, frankly they are something I seldom look at, I put a counter on this blog some time ago and readers increase slowly at the moment there are a bit over 1,000 counts registering a week. I can’t tell how this compares with the other local blogs as they don’t have counters on them, however curiosity being what it is I am always interested I one statistic that I do get and that is how many people come to my blog by clicking on the link on another blog. The odd men out here are Strife as there is no link on the sidebar so the 28 comes from links in posts and Bignews that hasn’t had a link for very long.

All traffic sources sent 3,002 visits via 51 sources and mediums

30.58% Direct traffic

53.10% Referring sites

16.32% Search engines

Eastcliff Richard 787

Thanet Bloglist 132

Thanet Strife 28

Village Voices 21

Bignews Margate 16

Margate Architecture 6

Villeviews 5

Ramsgaterants 2

Thanet Star 2

Ramsgate Mitch 1

I don’t know what these statistics really mean they don’t relate to what the counter says nor the fact that I have often used the link on all of these sites to get back to my own, perhaps they only count one ip address once.

However I suspect the roughly relate to the popularity of the various local blogs.


  1. Blimey Michael, does this mean that 780 people were so hacked off with Eastcliffes site that they went for quality and over to your site?????????????

  2. How reassuring to know we have a comedian in charge of our planning committee!

    If you want to know the truth, Ken, 786 of those 787 click throughs from my site were probably me!

  3. Richard, I suspect your right, I use my click through or yours most of the time

  4. I regularly read your blogs, Michael - possibly more than any others.
    My route to yours & other blogs of thanet is via the recent feeds list on Thanet blog List (TBL).
    I rarely use links from any other blog.
    From my own blog I only have a link to TBL and not any other bloggers.
    Various reasons - partly because I find web pages with too many links and too much info a bit confusing - so I have tried to keep mine simple.
    Partly also being a technophobe - I like reading & writing but I do not like working out all the fiddly bits of putting together the blog page. - I am very impressed by the 'feeds' thingy - but would have no idea how to set it up. Am not even sure how to get into my side bar and edit it!

    For info: My blog get about 700 hits per week.
    In a single day - I think the counter recognises IP addresses and only records them once - and doesn't record me looking at my site. Hits in a day vary greatly between about 10-70.
    Quite a few come from ECR & TBL also from random searches on phrases - especially variations on "Mrs Tara","gay Margate", "nude Margate", "plumbing problems"...

  5. Richard Ken mrs tp I frankly believe little of what the statistics say, but thought it interesting to publish them, my own opinion being that if you are a person who reads local blogs you probably read all of them.

    Certainly my customers talk about them a lot, but the secondhand book buying public is a very small proportion of the population that tends to be computer literate.


Comments, since I started writing this blog in 2007 the way the internet works has changed a lot, comments and dialogue here were once viable in an open and anonymous sense. Now if you comment here I will only allow the comment if it seems to make sense and be related to what the post is about. I link the majority of my posts to the main local Facebook groups and to my Facebook account, “Michael Child” I guess the main Ramsgate Facebook group is We Love Ramsgate. For the most part the comments and dialogue related to the posts here goes on there. As for the rest of it, well this blog handles images better than Facebook, which is why I don’t post directly to my Facebook account, although if I take a lot of photos I am so lazy that I paste them directly from my camera card to my bookshop website and put a link on this blog.