Tuesday 12 August 2008

Southern Water

I have just received the letter sent by Southern Water to TDC on the 27.6.2008 about the China Gateway proposal click here to read it

I have also just received a letter from TDC confirming that the application is due to be reported to the planning committee meeting to be held at 7pm on 20.8.2008

In view of the problems related to waste water disposal, the other problems related to the layout of the site and the screening issue, the plans must be so far from anything that would be acceptable either to TDC or the Chinese that this seems far to soon.

It seems pretty obvious that it would be better for the planning committee to decide on plans that are somewhere near to something that would be a viable development, to do otherwise makes the planning committee appear a mere rubber stamp.

I am afraid there is considerable feeling among ordinary folk that the granting of planning permission is a forgone conclusion and for TDC to behave in this way does seem lay weight to this feeling.

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