Thursday 15 January 2009

Arson attacks lead to recycling removal

Thanet district Council press release

A series of arson attacks and abuse of recycling facilities has led to paper and bottle banks being removed from a site in Cliftonville.

Problems at the Northumberland Avenue site have been worse than anywhere else in Thanet, with around five fires during the past eighteen months. In total, 10 paper banks have had to be replaced following the fires, at a cost of around £3,000.

The fires have also damaged the fencing on the site, which has had to be repaired at an additional cost of £1,000.

The site has been the victim of dumped trade waste, with a large number of cardboard boxes left there over the last year.

Cllr. Shirley Tomlinson, Cabinet Member for Commercial and Environmental Services, said: “It’s a great shame that the council has had to take this action, but the extent of the vandalism and arson at this site is on a scale that we simply don’t experience elsewhere in Thanet. The last thing we want is to give in to vandals, but we have to look at how much we are spending in constantly replacing recycling banks at this site and there does come a point where it is sadly not economic to continue doing this. That’s the point we’ve now reached and I hope local residents will understand why we have had to take this action.”

The nearest alternative sites for recycling are located at Palm Bay Avenue in Palm Bay and Park Crescent Road in Dane Park.

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