Thursday 29 January 2009

Thanet District Council’s Flesh Filter

I these interesting economic times it is often useful to have some idea what local government is spending your money on.

In the course of my attempts to find out if TDC IT were censoring the mail I discovered that they run a program that detects emails with images containing high levels of flesh colour, these are quarantined.

This applies to outgoing emails as well as those sent to the council so presumably if a councillor sends you a fleshy picture, the IT department send you an email saying it’s been quarantined.

Click here to read the whole correspondence, my emails are in red and those from council in black to make it easier to follow.

I think in the circumstances I will leave it to the anonymous bloggers to post appropriate images.

1 comment:

  1. is this why peter will only publish the ACRES of flesh on his site in black and white?
