Friday 17 April 2009

A Levels GCSEs and how to improve secondary education in the UK

Talking to the youth of today about the standards in various local schools and the varied quality of teaching combined with the political adjustment of exams and exam results, we think we have come up with a solution to much of the problem.

Our suggestion is that the teachers should sit the exams with their pupils, this has a several advantages.

It would make the teachers much better at teaching the pupils to pass exams. Being taught say A level physics by a teacher who last sat an a level physics exam 35 years ago is much akin to being taught to drive by someone who last drove a car 35 years ago.

The examiner would be aware of a situation where the teacher didn’t know their subject properly and could make some sort of allowance.

It would be very difficult for the government to rig the exams, either to make the education system seem better then it is or to reduce university entrance for fiscal reasons.

I also suspect any really bad teachers would leave or improve very quickly.

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