Friday 19 March 2010

Thanet Earth story picked up by the Daily Express.

The story by Tom Betts about Thanet Earth see has been picked up by the Daily Express see

The subject of Thanet Earth and other major initiatives that government support to create employment is an interesting one and one with no easy answers here in Thanet.

Put in simple terms we have several different types of migrant here the most problematic being those who are long term unemployed, often rehoused here by London boroughs, because it is a cheap solution.

We also have, at the other end of the spectrum, those who work in London but have moved here and commute, this is particularly so in Ramsgate at the moment, due to the fast rail link.

I suppose those who migrate to Thanet for work probably represent a fairly small proportion of our migrants and the effect they have on the local job situation difficult to assess.

I would say from my own experience that a fairly large proportion of the long-term local residents, of working age, are employed and much of our unemployment problem is an imported one, albeit part of that problem a long-term one.

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