Tuesday 21 April 2015

Thanet Election Special 1 TDC

On 7th May everyone in Thanet will get at least two ballot papers and some people will get three. The ones that everyone will get is the one to vote for an MP and the one to vote for either two or three Thanet District Councillors.

On previous election days people who were only expecting the one ballot paper phoned me up to ask me if I knew anything about the people standing in the district election.

So first you need to know which ward you live in, if you don’t know, click on this link http://democracy.thanet.gov.uk/mgFindMember.aspx?

Once you know which ward you live you can find a list of the candidates by clicking on this link https://thanet.gov.uk/your-services/elections-and-voting/district-election-2015/district-election-2015/

Trying to find out what the candidates and parties plan to do at TDC, if they get elected, is much more difficult, I have tried Tweeting the three main parties to see if they have a manifesto for the council election, this was yeasterday and none of them have replied yet.

@Bluethanet do you have a TDC Manifesto i.e. what Conservative councillors will do if elected
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@ThanetLab do you have a Labour TDC manifesto i.e. what Labour councillors aim to do
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@ukip_sththanet do you have a UKIP TDC manifesto i.e. what ukip councillors would do?

I bumped into one of the UKIP council candidates today and asked them if there was a UKIP TDC manifesto, their answer was that they would let me have one, when one gets written.

I didn’t have much time, but I did put the Manston cpo question to the UKIP candidate, what I said was. “While I supported saving Manston Airport as a regional passenger and freight airport that we could fly from, I am totally against the plans for the council to cpo the airport site for an airfreight only hub. Also that I thought being very close to the runway and directly on the flight approach route of an airfreight hub would be disastrous for tourism in Ramsgate.”

I have to admit that I was fairly surprised when the UKIP candidate agreed with me, so I may be voting UKIP after all.

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