Saturday 25 April 2015

Thanet Elections Special 2 The Parish Vote

If you live in Ramsgate, Broadstairs or a couple of the Thanet villages then you will get and extra ballot paper as well as the one to vote for an MP and the one to vote for TDC councillors.

I had rather a bizarre conversation about this with one of my customers yesterday. The gist of what this lady said is. I got postal voting papers for Moses Montefiore Parish. They had exactly the same candidates on as the TDC one, as Moses Montefiore isn’t a parish, I put them through the shredder.

This may have been a bit of a bad move, as this particular ballot paper, which says The Parish of Ramsgate on it is actually the one for Ramsgate Town council, which is something you pay extra council tax for.

Here in Ramsgate we petitioned for and then voted in a referendum to pay more for a town council, mainly to represent Ramsgate’s interests to the Margate dominated Thanet District Council.

The big problem is that most people when the come to vote just tend think of the council and not of us having three different councils. This means that in practice what we got last time around was a Labour town council and a Labour district council. Frankly this didn’t seem to work that well for Ramsgate, for instance the district council are converting what was probably the biggest shop in Ramsgate town centre into social housing. I don’t think this sort of nonsense would have happened if the district council wasn’t of the same political party as the town council.

Another example is that the district council have moved the town centre rubbish collection from 6am on a quiet shopping day to around 11.30 am on market day. Now I understand that the district council has made a huge investment in Margate and that anything they can do to encourage people not to go to Ramsgate in the hope they will go to Margate and support Dreamland and the old town will help justify this. But I don’t really think this sort of nonsense would happen if the town council was run by a different political party from the town council.

We are very lucky here in Thanet as we have experience of all three of the political parties that are likely to win seats here at most levels of government.

We have had mostly UKIP councillors representing us at Kent County Council for nearly two years with evident benefits for Thanet.

We have had UKP European Members of Parliament for nearly two years with evident benefits for Thanet.

We have a had Labour Thanet District Council for the last roughly four years and before that around eight years of Conservative dominance, with two of the Conservative cabinet members from those years now standing for UKIP, all providing great benefits for Thanet.

Whatever happens with the local elections I am sure will be a great improvement for some people.

I have added this picture and hopefully link to the right Twitter post

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